Nail fungal infections are the most common diseases of the nails, making up about 50 percent of nail abnormalities. Fungus is normally present on the body, but if it overgrows, it can become a problem.
What does it look like?
Both fingernails and toenails are susceptible to infection, which usually appears as discoloration and thickening of the nail, and crumbling edges.
Why does it happen?
heavy perspiration
humid or moist work environment
wearing artificial nails
regular manicures and pedicures
wearing socks and shoes that prevent ventilation
walking barefoot in damp public places, such as swimming pools, gyms, and shower rooms
previous injury or infection to the skin or nail
tight footwear with crowding of toes
exercise that causes repeated minor trauma to the hyponychium, where the finger tip attaches to the nail
Preventative care and treatment options:
wearing shoes or sandals in public places and pools
ensuring that your manicure or pedicure salon properly sterilizes tools
using artificial nails and nail polish less often
washing hands after touching infected nails
avoiding sharing shoes and socks
keeping nails short, dry, and clean
wearing socks that breathe, usually synthetic
using anti-fungal sprays or powders
Because avoiding gyms, pools and mani/pedis is not likely to happen, Peach recommends one Toenail Fungus Treatment per year along with exercising caution relation to hand and foot hygiene from the lists above.
The treatment requires polish-free toenails, very little pain is experienced during the treatment and post treatment, you’re able to resume normal, everyday activity!
Update: 5/18/2023 – Maria Bueno did not make the recommendation as posted in the previous version.