Tackling Those Angry-Looking Vertical Lines Around Your Mouth

Aging is a part of life, and so are the wrinkles, creases, and lines we see as we get older. And because your face is the part of your body that people will see the most, getting wrinkles there can greatly affect your self-confidence. 

Signs of aging on your face include forehead lines, crow’s feet around the eyes, laugh lines around the nose and lips, and marionette lines (lines that develop from your mouth to your chin). But regardless of what types of lines and wrinkles you’re dealing with, treatment is available.

If you live in Yuma or Tucson, Arizona, and you’re looking to treat your wrinkles, we have an experienced team that’s ready to help. At Peach Skin & Laser, we use cutting-edge technology to help you look your best.

What causes wrinkles in the face?

To understand how wrinkles work, it helps to know what’s going on in your skin over the years. A combination of proteins and other materials in your skin keeps it firm and smooth, including:

  • Collagen: This protein makes up roughly a third of the proteins in your body and helps with the structure of skin and cartilage.
  • Elastin: This protein gives your skin, tissues, and organs resilience and elasticity.
  • Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs): This is a filler substance that’s between fibers and cells in tissues. 

As you lose these substances over time, creases and wrinkles will form in areas where your face tends to perform repetitive actions (blinking, smiling, talking, etc). These are also called dynamic wrinkles, as they are formed from the actions of your facial muscles. 

The common areas for wrinkles to appear are also areas where the skin is the thinnest. So as the skin loses firmness and elasticity, the wrinkles become more pronounced. As the skin loses more proteins and skin-firming materials, it will also sag, creating other issues, like jowls from marionette lines as the cheeks droop. Sagging wrinkles are known as static wrinkles.

Age is the most common cause (often related to sun damage as well), but pollution, dehydration, poor nutrition, and smoking are also contributing factors in getting wrinkles.

How can you treat them?

The treatment of facial wrinkles vary depending on the type of wrinkle and where the treatment is needed on the face. 

Dynamic wrinkles are commonly treated with Botox®, which is used to paralyze muscles to relax the wrinkles in your skin. Static wrinkles are often treated with dermal fillers like Radiesse®, which can also help produce the collagen and other proteins the skin needs to provide fullness and firmness.

Both Botox and Radiesse are outpatient injections which will allow patients to get on with their day after treatment. Neither treatment is permanent, so follow-up treatments will be necessary. 

So, if you’re dealing with wrinkles in your face, like marionette lines, there is help available. If you’re ready to see those lines disappear, make an appointment with Peach Skin & Laser today to see smoother and firmer skin.

If you have any questions, please contact us.