Read on to prepare for your procedure, find out what to do after your treatment, and answer all of your microneedling questions. Let’s get started!
Pre-Instructions for CIT with PRP
Patients must communicate to healthcare provider if they have had any recent treatments and if any changes to their medical history have happened.
Patients will have their makeup removed. Patients are welcome to come with or without makeup.
Patients should plan for a 48 hours downtime after the procedure.
Microneedling Post Treatment Instructions Expectations
Here is a brief list of changes and improvements you can expect to see:
First 24 hours: Erythema and mild swelling subsidies
Days 2 – 7: Increase exfoliation, skin flaking, and dryness
1 week: Improvement in texture and tone beings
3 weeks: Improvement in pigmentation begins
6 weeks: Improvement in fine lines, wrinkles, and scars begins
Results vary, but usually a course of 2-6 treatments is typically recommended. If you require more treatments than this, you may have an unrecognized medical condition. Of course, results may vary from patient to patient.
Keep in mind that the healthier your body is the better will be the results you achieve from a CIT and PRP treatment. Your body’s function and overall health are reflected in your skin.
Home care
After arriving home following your CIT or PRP treatment, you will be glad to know that you can resume most of your normal activities. You will look as if you have a mild sunburn. The following are a few precautions that we recommend.
Avoid direct sunlight for 48 hours. Sun exposure is not recommended for at least 12 hours after the procedure. Your skin will be very sensitive to the effects of sun and ultraviolet light. Should you choose to be in the sun, please use a sunscreen of at least SPF 25 or above.
Use tepid water and natural soap to cleanse your face for the next 48 hours, drying gently, making sure hands are clean.
Please do not scrub your skin or use any exfoliating or glycolic acid containing cleansers. -
Avoid make up for at least 12 hours.
Apply a moisturizing cream to the treated areas for 3-5 days in the morning and at night beginning 12 hours after the procedure.
Please choose a cream without toxic ingredients such as parabens, petrochemicals, preservatives, or harsh chemicals.
Recommended anti-aging skincare regimen may be resumes when erythema completely subsides, usually within 2 days. In some cases, the erythema may last up to 4-5 days.
Are there any negative side effects I should worry about?
Very rarely will a patient experience any negative side effects, even with aggressive treatments. Typical side effects are redness and inflammation for 2-4 days. Microneedling is a excellent treatment for patients looking for texture and scar improvement.
What is microneedling?
Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, stimulates the production of collagen by creating small injuries in the epidermis and dermis. These micro-injuries produce a cascading effect that results in tissue rebuilding.
Can I do microneedling at home?
At home microneedling can be a great tool to use at home. However, the biggest results will come from the surgical dermarollers that are only found at specific healthcare facilities.
At home microneedling devices typically do not go very deep and do not require any anesthetic as they are not very painful.
Can I use microneedling for neck?
Yes. Many patients like to treat the neck at the same time as the face. Since patients are already in the appointment, adding the neck is an easy progression. The depth of the treatment is lower as the skin on the neck is much more sensitive.
How long do the effects of collagen induction therapy Last? How often should I receive these treatments?
Most healthcare facilities recommend 4-6 treatments every 6 weeks. After the initial frequency of treatment, your healthcare provider may recommend maintenance treatments.
The frequency of the maintenance treatment depends at what rate your skin is being broken down through the natural aging process. Collagen induction therapy does not stop aging, but it can help slow it down.
Can micro needling be done if I have received fillers?
Yes. Patients may receive microneedling treatments after doing fillers if the treatment is spaced out enough. Most clinicians will recommend to wait at least 3 weeks after receiving filler to receive a microneedling treatment.
Is microneedling more effective when combined with PRP?
Many health providers have seen overall improvements in acne scarring when combing microneedling and PRP. These results are usually because the patient has had a serious of those treatments or a combination of microneedling, PRP, and lasers.
PRP treatment are still relatively new and although the data is promising, it is not enough to gain wide acceptance as an effective treatment.
Can microneedling scar my face if done too aggressively?
Create scars with the microneedling treatment is rare but it is a possibility if the clinician is not properly trained or if the clinician performs the treatment to aggressively.
However, most of the complications (which are rare) come from applying serums and substances to the open wounds during the procedure.