From pre-care to post-care and just about anything else you can think of, let’s get right to it and find out what makes laser spider vein treatment so amazing.
Pre-Treatment instructions for spider vein treatment
Do not take Aspirin or other blood thinning drugs (e.g. Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba), ibuprofen, or other non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (e.g., arthritis medicine) for 1 week before and 1 week after your treatment because these medications can increase bleeding and bruising.
We recommend not to drink alcoholic beverages and not to smoke for 2 days before and 2 days after your treatment because drinking alcohol thins blood and smoking slows or impairs bleeding.
Do not apply any cream, lotion, oil, or self tanners to your legs the night before or the day of your treatment.
Eat a light meal or snack 1.5 hours before your appointment.
Bring loose fitting shorts or leotard to wear during the treatment and a long skirt or long loose fitting slacks to wear after treatment.
It is advised when having reticular Veins treated to you postpone flying for 48 hours.
If you develop fever or other illness before your appointment you must reschedule.
Post-Treatment Instructions for spider vein treatment
Cold (not frozen) packs should be applied immediately after treatment to cool the treatment site reduce swelling and ease discomfort. Chemical cold packs are not recommended, if their temperature is below 4 degrees celsius.
Frozen 4 x 4 gauze pads, previously moistened with water and inserted into small plastic bags can be used.
Care should be taken to prevent trauma to the treated area for the first four or five days following treatment: no hot bath, no aerobic exercise, massage, etc.
Patients should use high factor (30–50 SPF) sunblock and protect the treated area from exposure to sunlight for at least one month following treatment. Tanning after treatment sessions may enhance melanin regeneration, which may result in hyperpigmentation.
Patients may apply makeup immediately after treatment. However, we advise patient to discontinue if the treatment site scales and cakes. The skin may be sensitive during this period, and removing makeup, especially if it is difficult to remove, may damage the skin and predispose the site to infection.
In case of broken or damaged skin, we recommend that patients keep the treated area covered with a dressing, to reduce the risk of trauma and infection during the first four or five days following treatment.
If the treatment site is exposed to dirt, it should be covered with a dressing for ten days. Patients are advised not to participate in rough sports or similar activities for several days following treatment, until the skin returns to its normal condition.
Compression may be recommended at the time of your appointment. Patients should return no sooner than three weeks after treatment, for examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return for an additional examination two months later.
If there has been partial clearance of the lesion, treatment should be continued using the same parameters, and the patient should return after three weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
Intervals between treatments are 3 to 6 weeks when some clearance is noticed.
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
What is the Nd:Yag laser?
The M22 Nd:YAG laser helps wrinkles, scars, and skin discolorations by resurfacing the skin. This laser can be used to treat or fade away spider veins, and red capillary veins. resurfaces your skin to remove moderate facial wrinkles, surface scars, or splotchy skin discolorations.
The Nd: YAG laser is considered “non-ablative”, which means that is does not cut the top layer of the skin. When the laser is pulsing, called “Q-switched,” the laser blasts the damaged or unwanted tissue away.
What is the recovery time with the Nd:Yag laser treatment?
Recovery from a Nd:Yag laser treatment is uneventful. Patients can expect to feel like they have a sunburn. We recommend topical lubricants and topical steroid creams to help with the healing process.
What are the risks of excessive sun exposure after laser?
Exposing the skin to excessive sun after a laser treatment is not a good idea and we recommend against it. If it is not possible, minimise your sun exposure by applying sunscreen and also shading your face or areas that you have recently treated with a laser.
Some of the risks of excessive sun after a laser treatment are poor healing, hyperpigmentation, and possibly scarring.
What kind of downtime should I expect?
When treating enlarged veins with the Nd:Yag laser, patients will experience mild swelling and possibly some bruising that will last about 2 weeks. If the Nd:Yag is used for non-ablative skin rejuvenation, then the downtime is very minimal.
What are the potential side effects of Nd:Yag on face for redness?
When treating for redness (e.g. rosacea), there is the possibility of bruising and blistering. If the optimal settings are used, these risks can be minimal.
How much does the Nd:Yag laser cost?
The cost of these laser treatments depends on the facility, the laser, and the condition that is being treated. Single sessions range from $150 – $500. Most patients will need a series of treatment. Therefore, the final cost can be $500 – $2000 for the fill series.
Nd:Yag for broken capillaries. Can there be scarring?
This is always a possibility of scarring with lasers. Most healthcare professionals will start with very conservative settings on your first treatment. This is to prevent any adverse reactions. It is better to be safe when starting treatments.
Can broken capillaries and spider veins around the nose be treated?
Yes. Laser technology in its current state is very effective at treating these kind of conditions. It is effective, quick and relatively less painful than the injections used in the past. Patient do have to consider spider veins versus varicose veins.
Large varicose veins are usually treated with surgical procedures and then followed up with lasers.
Which is best, laser or sclerotherapy for veins?
Using sclerotherapy is one of the best ways to get rid of most leg veins. However, small veins that are not accessible for a sclerotherapy injection may have to undergo laser treatments to erase them. The laser may not be able to treat all the veins but patients may see a significant reduction.